Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 77

Hey Everyone,
Today as I have again been thinking about my mission, something that
has come with such force into my mind is how much God loves us to have
established His true church on the earth today. So many people ask,
"wait, so you only believe in only one true church"!? To those people
my answer has always been a simple, "yes". However, that does not mean
that there aren't good churches surrounding us. One thing I've felt so
strongly as I've been out is that there have been many good churches
that have been established. They have retained portions of Gods
church, but many of the plain and precious truths have been lost.

I've met so many wonderful Catholics, Baptists, Athiests, Agnostics,
Muslims, Hindus and so many other faiths. And when it comes down to
it, each person is still trying to do good and trying to accomplish
something in their life. Even though these religious sects are
wonderful, good people, it saddens me to think that my fellow brothers
and sisters have not received the full truths that we as humans need.

As members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we have
such a unique message that I don't think we realize. We have families
that can be together forever, through time and all eternity. We have
the authority from God to performing saving ordinances, we've been
blessed with a knowledge of how we will one day be able to live with
God and that physical death isn't the end. We know that God speaks to
man today and that we have a current prophet on the earth today. These
things sound so foreign to the world around us, but take just a minute
to think of how blessed we are to have these!

I've been able to spend 18 months dedicating every waking thought,
action and desire to God. I've been able to spend hours upon hours of
sharing these restored truths to everyone. They truly bless our lives
so much and yet we often take them for granted. The Church Of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints is truly Gods restored church. Joseph
Smith was far from perfect, but God chose him to restore His church.
It's not Joseph Smiths church. It's from God.

There's only one way that someone can come to know that for
themselves. Three simple steps and someone could have the wonders of
the gospel opened to their eyes. 1) read the Book of Mormon 2) pray
about the Book of Mormon 3) come to church. It really is as simple as
that. The answers don't always come at once, but God will always bless
us with that answer as we are actively seeking for these answers. As
missionaries we never try to force these things on people...that's not
our job. We help people to realize that family relationships are best
formed when founded upon the basic teachings of Christs church.

If someone is seeking for answers, and trying to find out if the
church is true, keep searching for it. God will answer your prayers.
Don't give up trying to find those answers. God has promised that when
we "ask, seek and knock" he will answer us. It often can take awhile
to receive an answer, but answers always come as we hold in to the
basic truths. And even if you already know that these things are true,
that doesn't mean we can't continually pray about the things we
already know. God will continue to fortify us as we are continually
yoking ourselves to him.

In the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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