Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 56

Its been a good week. It was transfers. Im still in the same area though!! Sister Bost and I will probably be together for this transfer and then i'll probably be out of here!! One of the companionships in our apartment complex left.  So instead of having four companionships, we now have three. The elders in our ward and some sisters from a different ward. So the elders that went away left a bunch of food and furniture and stuff and so sister bost and I and the elders in our ward went FREE SHOPPING!!!!! At first we just grabbed a couple of things random household items and, then headed downstairs.

when we got there Sister Bost and I looked at each other and I said,
, "Umm...Hmm..they have a bunch of food up there and we don't have any food....so basically we should go free shopping!!" Sister Bost goes. "OH MY GOSH WE SHOULD GRAB THE LITTLE SHOPPING CART THING FROM THE FRONT!" So we quickly called the elders and ran, grabbed the shopping cart and went back upstairs. The elders saw us with our little shopping cart and were laughing at us Haha so we told them that we loved free stuff! So we grabbed some shopping bags and started loading the cart up. 

We've been having temperatures so cold, that they haven't had them this cold since 1870. ha ha so its been quite the adventure!! But its been fun!!! We made snow angels and stuff. Sister Bost has never made a snow man before, so that's on our to do list of things to do. It was so cold. Well...it's had been the past week. We were walking for about 20 minutes talking to people and my mouth was so cold I could barely form words. 
We were praying that someone would let us in their house and offer us hot chocolate and it was funny because we started talking to some random guy who said that one time on a day like this he had invited some elders in for hot chocolate. HAHAHAHAHA but he didn't end up offering us any, God has a sense of humor that's for sure! after he left we busted up laughing.

On our way out of district meeting, we were stopped at a stop light and the car in front of us was having difficulties. They kept having snow fall on their front window, so they were trying to fix it with their wipers. Wasn't working. Sister Bost said I should run up and scrape it. So I put the car in park and ran out the door with a scraper and started throwing it off the car. The girl saw me running up and opened her window and says, "oh my goodness! Thank you SO much, it just kept falling on the window and I could t do anything g about it."

We did Service at Margos Larsons (Shes an elderly woman who was baptized about a year ago). She was talking about a horse that came out black, but then turned white. And my response was..." Hmm...Sounds like Michael Jackson...." Sister Bost started DYING. and Margo looked confused...so I had to explain it to her. It was really funny though. \

well....that's about it! Have a grand week!! love you all!! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week 55

Short email this week. We've been running around today, Sister Bost went to the temple!!! And I stayed here and hung out with a member of the ward!! Its been pretty fun!! Its been anywhere from 9 degrees to 25 degrees the past week! We're supposed to get a foot of snow tonight!
Hmmmm here's some things that happened this week:
-we blew up a heart shaped peep in our microwave (dang those things get huge before they explode!)
-I put a tattoo mustache on my finger and we took funny pictures
-we taught singing time in the primary
-We had an awesome valentines day. We went to ihop to celebrate and then we ding dong ditched fun stuffed animals at some other sisters door.
-some Asian child stared at Sister Bost while we were tracting. and didn't open the door for us.
-We drove in a crazy blizzard. Within 2 minutes the temperature had dropped 10 degrees and we couldn't see 3 feet in front of us. needless to say, we went straight home
-I discovered that Im a boss at pullups
That's it! Have a good week!! :)
Hey mom!! Thanks for the package!!! :) I quite enjoyed it!!!
The insanity workout thing sounds like fun!!! Does it cost a lot??? My exercise plan totally failed!! ha ha this is the first area that I've had some sort of gym, so luckily I can go running basically every single day, which is a blessing! I ditched the workout plan and just do some other random stuff usually. My companion and I have a workout plan together! Sometimes we'll be super good at following it and other times we won't be. She wants to go into the Marines, so she wants to work her butt into shape so it'll be an easier transition!
Wait whoa!! I totally had no idea that they were planning on leaving that soon!! hmm yeah we'll have to figure out what to do about my homecoming! ha ha if necessary I could just fly down there and visit them for a couple days or something...hmmm it'd probably be cheaper that way too..who knows! We'll figure it out.
Wait so did Kemi get accepted to BYUI then since she had to register??
uuhh...and nope....I totally didn't wait on opening the box hahahah although I did wait about a  week, then two days before I was like, "hmmmmmmm" hahah.
anyyyywhooo! have a good week! love ya!!:)


Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 54

Well....to start off...I saw a car this week..and it was a transformer!! ha ha my companion and I were taking a recent convert out to get some froyo and we were driving along and Sister Bost all of the sudden goes, "Hey look, that car is a transformer!". I glanced over confused. Saw the legit car and then I took off driving after it and I started yelling, "OH MY GOODNESS GET MY CAMERA, HOLY COW!!! ARE YOU GETTING IT?? IS THE PICTURES TAKING!??!?" hahah so I completely drove PAST the froyo places in an attempt to chase the car in front of me and the recent convert in our car was like, "BUUUUUT WHAT AAABBBOUUUUT FROYOOOOO!?!??!??" ha ha we were all just dying of laughter and luckily we got a good picture...so i'll have to send it!

So we had a slightly awkward, and very funny experience this past week. We had called a random less active woman, whom we had never met, in order to set up a time to come meet her. From our records it looked like her husband was not a member. So we call up this number and it was a man who answered the phone, "Hello Sisters!!! How are you? What can I do for you?" JACKPOT!! sounds like a very receptive nonmember. So we asked him if we could come over for an appointment next week and instead he offered to feed us. Awesome!! So we were quite excited. So the day of our appointment comes and we pull up to this gated community and we give the address to the gatekeeper, and a few seconds later...he comes back out with a phone and says..."Ummm...the owner wants to speak with you". So I get on the phone and the female says, "hello??Who is this? How do I know you"  "umm well this is Sister Quinton and Sister Bost! we talked to you last week and you'd invited us over for dinner...?" she replied, "I have no idea who this is..." . So we hang up the phone and we called the number on our ward list. The guy answers and says, "you're lost aren't you?". Come to find out...the person who we had called was the father of the person we had just tried to visit. The father is a member, but his daughter, who we had just tried to see, was not even a member!!! ha ha and the Dad lived about an hour away!!! It was really funny.

This week we talked about how each person has a "spirit voice". Whenever they feel the spirit people talk different. Watch for it at church :)

Anywho! have a good week!! love you all!! :)

Hey mom! Oh so with the You Are Special book, we first started talking about Hero's and who each of the kids Hero's are and why they are Hero's. Then we read the book and told them to look for who the main characters hero was. Then we talked about how our hero's aren't hypocritical people. Then we tied it into how actions speak louder than words and we did a fun demonstration. We had three rounds. We had three different kinds of candies and we had the kids all close their eyes and we gave each of them a "Smartie". We told them that this was some type of food and that it was very sweet. then we let them eat it. On the second round, again they closed their eyes and we had gave them each a war head. Before they ate it, we told them that this candy was even sweeter than the first, and that they were going to really enjoy it. So they put it into their mouths and half of them spit it out because they thought it was going to be sweet, but then realized we had lied to them and that it was actually extremely sour. Then on the final round, we told them they would really like it and gave them a small Cadbury egg and told them to eat it, and several of them said, "why? Is this one going to be sour too??" then they realized it was sweet. We went on to explain that they had trusted us at first because the taste was what we said it was. But because we had lied on the second one, they were a lot more hesitant on the third one.

We then talked about how we need to do what we are saying we will do. If we tell people that we're a Mormon and then go around school having a sailors mouth, then people will hold us in less esteem and they wont necessarily believe us. But if we practice what we preach, then people will believe us. Then afterwards we pulled out a cake and ate it :) ha ha it was really fun. We had to keep them interacting and entertained because its the 14 and 15 year olds and we knew they'd be rowdy! it was really good though.

We did not have any more alarm fiascos!! thank goodness!!! ha ha

Oh my goodness I didn't know that Ava was in dance!!! ha ha cuuuuuute you'll have to take a lot of pictures!!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 53

What a week. 

Well I think the most interesting thing that happened this week was a fire alarm went off. at 2 in the morning. Ha ha Ok...so let me rewind back...so my companion and I have sleep overs...with ourselves in the front room every p day eve. So we pull our mattresses out in the front room and fell asleep like normal. 2 am, I almost peed my pants because the fire alarm was so loud. And to make it even funnier, we live in a handicapped room, so they make the alarm like 10 times louder, as well as they have these crazy strobe light things. So I wake up an start jumping out of bed, then I realize that I'm going to be freezing because its like 20 degrees outside, so I grab my blanket, grab my glasses, throw all of my other blankets on the floor, meanwhile, Sister Bost is stuck in her blankets, so she's trying to kick them off, but failing miserably, she finally jumps up, trips over my blankets that are on the floor, runs into the wall because of the crazy strobe lights going off. I'm trying not to run into the door because I also can't see due to the strobe light.

Finally we make it out into the hallway and it's completely empty. Not a soul in sight. The thought that ran through my head was, "oh no....someone's killed all of the residents and now they're coming for us..." ha ha so we start running down the hallways trying to find someone, ANYONE, and finally after about 5 minutes, old people slowly start filing out of their apartments, and into the lobby After probably 20 minutes, the fire department gets here. and we found out....that a sprinkler had caused the fire alarm. One of them just went off for no reason. 

So we all head back to our rooms. Its about 3 am now..we get back in bed...fell asleep....3:30 comes an another alarm goes off..ha ha so we again jump out the door, and find its another false alarm. We go back to sleep. and a random person that we know calls us at 4am. ha ha apparently we weren't meant to sleep that night. 

It was such a funny experience. The next morning all of the missionaries were in the gym an we just sat there, completely dead....ha ha no one even made an attempt to work out. It was so hilarious. we found out that one of the elders had completely slept through the fire alarm. WHAT?? ah aha it was quite the adventure, that's for sure. 

Last night I learned some super funny things that I hadn't ever heard before! It was about bananas. So in mexico they grow a lot of bananas on the banana plantation and apparently, in the store...when it has the different types of bananas, (valley, organic, etc.) its all the same. Literally. all of the bananas came from the same place, they were just given to different companies. even the organic bananas. there's nothing different about them. And then when they need another banana tree, they simply pick off a banana, and plant it. Yes. They literally plant the banana. 

Oh also!! On my homecoming...I have a couple missionary friends that already said they want to come up for a couple of days ha ha so we might have like five people crashing our house when I get back;) h ha

I also got to accompany someone for a musical number. Ha ha that was a random experience! 

Well anyyyywho, that's the craziest thing that happened this week! have a good one!