Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 52

It's been a great week!!! So much random stuff has happened!

According to Virginia we got, "snowed in"....and that classifies as about 2 inches. and we were allowed to drive anywhere. So! My companion and I visited a bunch of old people in our apartment complex and then a bunch of missionaries came in so we had a great jam session on the piano in the main room. It was great! We had so much fun! ha ha 

oh!  Happy year mark to me! Whaaaat!! Can't believe its here, time has been flying!! And for some reason it keeps getting faster and faster! 

So one of the awkwardest things that happens on a mission is when you knock on someones door and you hear them talking, but then they go silent. and then no one answers the door. Its really funny when it happens, but then I just feel like banging on the door and yelling, "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE I CAN HEAR YOU!!!" ha ha but hey, that wouldn't be very nice;) 

I'm not sure what it is....but people out here now think that I'm older than I am. What! ha ha before my mission people usually thought about 15 or 16, and now everyone says 22. THAT'S a change. Apparently Cabe and I are twinsies and we didn't even know it! 

We made a fun birthday cake for someones birthday this week. They don't like sweets, so we made a fruit cake. with fruit dip underneath and then we made fruit in the shape of an american flag, we felt pretty cool, but yeah...

Well that's about it! ha ha there's always too much to share, and type out so i'll have to fill you in on all the stories at some future point! lol 

Oh man. We're going to have to train everyone back home to eat lots of ethnic food. I have some fun stuff out here. Lebanese, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Lous, you name it!! Its so fun!!! I've decided that there's places that I wont ever be able to eat at again, so might as well try something random, and if someone offers me a crazy dish...well...I'm going to try at least one!!! Its really fun to experiment!! Some things are better than I thought they would be!!

I'm pretty sure that when I get back from my mission, I'll pretty much just be spending all day looking at different religious books and reading them! ha ha most of them we can't read while we are on our mission, because of lack of time, and we need to be studying for our investigators. But I've gotten several titles of books that sounds awesome!! One of them is talking about the plan of salvation and it has a questions and answer section of things that are true and false that people have misconceptions about. It's really cool and it only takes things from what the prophets and apostles have said. It's really neat! 

Is unpasteurized milk legal in Washington??? ha ha because its SO good. I'll have to explain more about that some other time. But milk straight out of the cow is so much better for you and it tastes better, and the milk in the stores they actually put bleach in it, because normal milk is a yellowish tinged color! ha ha I've learned all sorts of random facts out here!!! and I put raw eggs in smoothies all the time (but you have to get a certain type of egg, because a lot of the normal store bought eggs are really old and could give you salmonella, but not when you do it right!!) :) ha ha well...there's a bunch of random info for you;) 

I stole a cat the other day and I started telling the member family about how fat with fur Kara & Quentin's cat Aries was!! lol

Have a good week!!

Love you!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Week 51

There isn't tons to update on this week! Its been really good! Sister Bost is still being awesome as usual. We've been having some great adventures this week.

We had a barbarian dinner, where we used no silverware or plates. then.....it ended up turning into a barbarian AND no hands dinner. ha ha it was pretyt great! and very messy!!

We also had the opportunity to bake a member of the ward a cake and drop it by her house. We did it very sneakily and we signed the note, "from the sneaky birthday elves"...we felt so cool;) ha ha

The final cool thing is that we had a mission conference with Elder Perkins and Elder Hallstrom of the Quorum of the 70. They came and talked a lot about how we need to walk the staircase of faith. Faith is an action. Is was great! The spirit was really strong.

I'll try to spend more time on the general email next week!! :) love everyone!

Oh my goodness pho is awesome!!! it tastes great. We've got several people from Lous/Cambodia and they make it so good! I've never had it from a restaurant though! It tastes awesome. I'll have to start calling it p. ho though!!! Maybe i'll convince my companion that that's how its said then whenever we're at a members house who makes it, we'll sound really classy ;)

Dude we made an awesome cake this week. It's one of the "better than sex' cakes, but sister bost likes to call it "better than whatever" hahaha its SO good though. It's got heath on the top, and condensed milk, and caramel and whip cream and stuff. Delicious.

I want to be able to cook a ton of food from a bunch of cultures someday. I think that'd be awesome!! Chinese, and Lous and, italian and Indian.. yum yum we tried an authentic dish from new mexico. its got pulled pork in it and the member family was telling us of the history behind how it was pulled pork...it used to be a dish that cannibals made...but then they eventually saw the light and decided that they should stop being cannibals...so they decided to put pulled pork in it because apparently it tastes the most like human flesh. ha ha gross to think about right?? And of course they told us this story as we were eating it,;) ha ha but it taste awesome! I'm going to get the recipe....lol anywho, have a wonderful week! love ya!

Received this photo and an email from a member in Kali's mission.
The Keller's Wrote:"They are wonderful! They helped us move 3 couches and a big Christmas tree. We Love them!!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Week 50

Hey so I don't have much to say this week, but it's been going great so far!! 
Sister Bost is a BOSS. she's great. the first couple days were an adjustment, but now she's jumping right in there and is doing great!!! We're having a lot of fun. 
From what I've seen, whenever missionaries have trained they seem to get so caught up in trying to be the perfect missionary, the perfect companion, that they forget to have fun. They forget to be themselves, and they forget that they don't have to be perfect, because Christ already did that. So I'm showing sister Bost how to have fun while doing the missionary work, because when you think about it, it can be really fun, if you allow it to be. She's going to be (and already is) a great missionary. 
oh yeah and she's from Texas...I feel like I'm going to have an accent before I'm done with her hahahaha.
Our bishop has told us several hilarious things the other day. One of the funniest ones was that as we were talking about missionary work, he randomly pulled out a talk about steady dating versus hanging out, and he started telling us about how apostles had counseled us not to steady date in high school, but that once we were out of high school (or back from a mission) that they counseled us TO steady date. The funny part of this conversation was when he paused for a second then said, "so. I've sent this as well as a few other talks to a couple of my single, return missionary sons, because they need to repent and just get married!!!!" it was pretty funny. 
But anywho. not much to share this week! love you all!! have a good week! 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Week 49

Happy new year!! 
I cant believe that its already 2015!! Its amazing how fast time flies. Wow. Things can change so fast!!! 

I had a really great week!! 

New years eve was awesome. We ended up watching two Disney movies with our zone at the stake presidents house. It was a fun adventure and felt SO weird. 

There isn't really much to update on this week. Transfers are happening and I think this is the one transfer where I truly have no idea what is going to happen. Usually I have some sort of inkling, but this transfer seems...blank? Its really interesting, I'm curious as to what will happen. 

Something neat happened this week. Sister Williams and I were practicing for a lesson that we had that night and I was teaching her and she was pretending to be the person. As I was talking she was drawing on a poster. She was paying attention, her hands were just occupied. However, i felt like I needed to switch our lesson plan a little bit and started talking about Joseph smith and the restoration instead. As I was talking she continued to draw, however, as soon as I started to quote the first vision she unconsciously stopped what she was doing and looked up. 

There is truly power in Joseph smith's experience. There's been times in lessons where in members homes everything seems to become really still. Whereas in future members home...( ha ha) that's when the dog starts barking, the phone starts ringing, etc. there's definitely power in those words. And it was neat to see that happen even in a practice teach. anywho, have a good week!

Love you!!