Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Week 73

This week has been going so wonderfully!! Transfers are coming up and so we will find out for sure what is happening tonight, however, Im pretty sure that ill be moving apartments, but staying in the langley ysa ward, and then sister donato will leave and sister archibald will probably stay in the great falls ward.
Who knows! Its been a wonderful transfer, I cant believe how fast it went!

Sister archibald and I had the opportunity to sing at a fireside yesterday evening, and it went so well!! We had practiced with an accompaniment, but then we knew we needed to do it without that was pretty cool, I have a couple recordings of it that ill have to show you sometime. maybe ill be able to send a small part of it. 

a cool thing happened, we attended a baptism and a member of the ward was telling us about a girl that she was going to introduce us to. This girl just graduated high school and had been around several members of the church before and out of nowhere she was sitting at a stoplight and saw some elders in the car next to her, she saw their window open, so she rolled down her window and yelled, "hey do you guys have a book of mormon I can have?" and so the elders proceeded to throw a book of mormon to her through the windows right as the light turned green. now this girl is thinking about attending BYU and stuff. shes still never met with missionaries. We're supposed to meet her this coming sunday! 

anywho, have a good week!!! :) love you all!
Pretty sure Sister Donato should own this

Temple with Vicki a new convert from my last area

I got a sewing machine now I'm fixing everyones clothes


Monday, June 15, 2015

Week 72

Wow, its been an amazing week!!

First off, Zack Ellis is getting baptized! I'm not sure how much I've told you about him, but he's been investigating for about 6 months and he's the kind of person that has had amazing spiritual experiences in the past that led him to God, but something was holding him back. Well now....he's made the decision!! and we are all so happy for him!

Yesterday Sister Archibald and I sang a musical number in church and holy cow it was so cool, God just synced our voices so perfectly and then it just worked. it was so cool. seriously.

We had the coolest service project the other day for something called "The World Police and Fire Games" yeah super cool, the people in charge asked President Riggs if missionaries could help out and so we helped out with set up and stuff a few days ago and we got to hang out with a bunch of missionaries and then we get to go back in a few weeks and we get to be the cheering section for random people from other countries who are coming up here. Its going to be awesome!!

We've been having Great spiritual experiences this past week. Its been amazing. Have a great week! Love you all.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Kali and Sister Archibald singing

Kali and Sister Archibald were asked to sing on the spot

Week 71

Not much to say this week! Things have been going awesomely. It was Sister Archibald's birthday this week and so we went and pulled some smooth moves and managed to do some awesome surprises with I the help of some elders in our district! It was awesome! When she woke up we silly stringed her, we blew up some balloons, made crepes, has a pizza party with the
District and took" men in black" photos. It was so cool. We felt really legit. 

We Saw a church that said "the Christian church" and another church right next to it said, "the first Christian church". Competitive much? I can see how much the spirit led that one.

We've been having some really spiritul experiences lately, during studies we've had some cool things happen and we've been in several lessons that the people are so prepared to be baptized, but they just aren't making the move to do it. We counted 8 people who have had all the lessons and live the Mormon lifestyle, but they just aren't committing. They will soon though! 

Any who, love you all! Have a good week! :) 
Birthday celebration for Sister Archibald

coat stealing....

Jacket swapping

Men in Black photo shoot

nap time

Birthday surprise

Monday, June 1, 2015

Week 70

Hi Everyone,                                          
    This week has been a good one! The trio has been A BLAST! And we've been SO productive. I'd always heard really terrible things about trios, how unproductive they are, how awful it is....but holy cow we've gotten so much accomplished and we've managed to have seriously the most fun ever. it's been great. We're going to try to convince President Riggs to let me die with them! (aka finish my mission with them).

So last Monday evening we had the coolest experience. There was a community event going on and we had an event called "The Night of Hidden Talents" that we were planning. We had made it as a good place for ward members to invite nonmember friends so that its somewhere spiritual and yet a fun, entertaining environment. We also wanted to invite a ton of nonmembers. So we showed up to this community event with about 200 fliers and there were tons of people, we just started walking down the street handing out these fliers and I kid you not...they were all gone in an hour. I could count on one hand the amount of people who rejected us. Everyone wanted to come and everyone asked if they could have more fliers to give to their friends and family. it was so cool.

So Sister Archibald and I were going to be performing at the show as well. We had been struggling to find an accompanist, but somehow managed to get one 48 hours before the show. The performance went really well! Sister Donato got a video....but those don't send over email very well, sooooo i'll just show it to you in a couple months...haha

Also, we had been planning on performing in church as well....but that got cancelled and then the other ward randomly called me a day and a half before church and asked me to speak. Basically this whole week has been INSANE, but its been fun.

Anywho, theres a lot of miracles, lots of fun adventures, many great one liners and a whole ton pictures that happened this week.

Have a good upcoming week! love you all!

late night sillies